Profile of Pick Heaters, originators of Direct Steam Injection Heaters.
Our History
In 1945, Pick Heaters developed and patented a unique concept of Direct Steam Injection Heating. It was the first step in what was to become a continuous flow of refinement and innovation. It is this design philosophy that has Pick at the heart of heating for over 80 years in industries ranging from food to chemical and pharmaceutical processing, pulp and paper, textile to power plants.
Out of this philosophy has come a continuous flow of refinements and innovations.
Energy Efficient
100% heat transfer cuts fuel costs up to 28%
Precise Temperature Control
To within 1°C or less for many systems
Wide Operating Range
Variable orifice injector provides unlimited turndown
Low Noise Level
Normally below 85 dBA
Low Liquid Pressure Drop
Does not exceed 2 PSI under design flow rates
Complete Mixing in Heater Body
No need for straight run pipe lengths after heater
Pick Heaters has a worldwide network of qualified engineers along with its highly qualified factory staff to work with you to design a process heating system to meet your specific requirements. Pick's international certifications include: CRN/Canada and CE/Europe.
Pick combines the Right Products with the Right People - Pick the Best.
For more information - contact us.
Dear Partners,
We understand the operational challenges many companies are faced with during this extraordinary time, and want to assure you that we are open for business. Under Wisconsin’s Emergency Order No. 12, section 13 and guidelines released by CISA, Pick Heaters, Inc is considered an essential business that is part of the critical infrastructure workforce and our employees are essential workers. We supply critical equipment to key process industries including food, chemical, pharmaceutical and energy utilities to name a few. We are taking all necessary precautions and continue to follow CDC guidelines for our employees to ensure their safety in addition to the safety of our customers and vendors.
We thank you for your support, commitment and partnership during this critical time.
Office of the President - Pick Heaters, Inc
Learn More About our COVID-19 Policy Here