A company producing photographic chemicals for the printing industry wanted better temperature control for heating and cooling a gelatin-based emulsion in 480 gallon jacketed vessels. A hot water system was considered to replace their steam jacket method. The steam jacket method exposed sensitive chemicals to hot spots and made transition to cooling difficult. Batches were very expensive, making product quality of utmost importance.
Process Conditions:
Temperature Rise per Pass: 3-23°F Jacket Temperature: 180°F Product Temperature in 1.1 hour: 120°F Steam Supply Pressure: 18 PSIG
The Pick 6X7-3HCS Pre-Packaged Heat/Cool System included the basic Constant Flow Heater along with a cooling valve for "metered out" control during cooling mode. Steam and cooling valves are controlled with separate I/P transducers taking signal from customer supplied cascade temperature controller. Complete scope of supply including water circulation pump, check valves, shut off valves, relief valve, piping and fittings assembled on heavy duty angle iron frame.
Features and Benefits:
• Improved Product Quality • Easy Heat/Cool Transition • Uniform Jacket Temperatures • Accurate Temperature Control • Total System Design Capability and Responsibility
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Dear Partners,
We understand the operational challenges many companies are faced with during this extraordinary time, and want to assure you that we are open for business. Under Wisconsin’s Emergency Order No. 12, section 13 and guidelines released by CISA, Pick Heaters, Inc is considered an essential business that is part of the critical infrastructure workforce and our employees are essential workers. We supply critical equipment to key process industries including food, chemical, pharmaceutical and energy utilities to name a few. We are taking all necessary precautions and continue to follow CDC guidelines for our employees to ensure their safety in addition to the safety of our customers and vendors.
We thank you for your support, commitment and partnership during this critical time.
Office of the President - Pick Heaters, Inc
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