Steam Injection for CIP and In-Line Pasteurization of Soy Milk


Dairy operation wanted to use steam injection for in-line pasteurization of soy milk. The requirement of the heater was two-fold in that hot water, at the same load, was required during sterilization and CIP runs.


Process Conditions:

Liquid Flow Rate: 1,600-2,500 GPH 
Specific Gravity: 1.07-1.09
Specific Heat: .96 
Inlet Temperature: 165ºF 
Discharge Temperature: 290ºF 
Steam Pressure: 100 PSIG
Product Pressure: 65 PSIG
Steam Flow Required: 1,717-2,684 lbs/hr



Pick Model SC25-3 with 2” connections was selected. Pick Heater scope of supply was limited to steam valve, check valve and heater body to satisfy customer requirements.


Features and Benefits:

• Achieve High Process Temperatures 
• In-line Heating Speeds up Production
• Wide Liquid Flow Rate Turn Down
• Exceptional Temperature Control


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Pick Pasteurizer and CIP Heater
